Fredrik Marine

Author: Nicholas Chan

Happy 47th Birthday, Singapore!

Featured Stories

On this very day 47 years ago, a fledgling nation had its independence returned to it just 2 short years after it was returned to Malaysia in 1963. Its very existence was thrusted into the hands of a small group of dedicated individuals fighting for the very survival of a small island state with no natural resources […]

New Fredrik Marine website launched!

Featured Stories

With the help of the corporate image design team from Electric Avenue and the talented WordPress development skills of Shaan Nicol of ChillyBin, Fredrik Marine now have a sharp new look and a whole bunch of new features dedicated in bringing you, our most valued clients with a far more productive and . New features […]

Nicholas Chan interview with NS45

Featured Stories

At 0318 hours Singapore Standard Time, a call for assistance was received from a distressed vessel at Eastern Anchorage. Grabbing his helmet, ready bag and life-vest, Sherwyn quickly suited up into his coverall and boots and immediately proceeded for deployment. He is met by Nicholas Chan at West Coast Pier at 0348 hours who briefs […]

White paper work in progress

White Papers

ship to shore information management intelligent (IP) ship make your ship work smarter maritime IT: the 3 stages – modern typewriters – best practices for measuring ?????? ?????? vessel it: your 3 requirements a guide to ???? fancy stuff ????? in a day selecting a marine IT and communications provider for your fleet – check […]